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TBomber || termux sms bomber 2022


TBomber || termux sms bomber 2022
T-Bomber is an open-source SMS bomber used from termux and Linux. This tool is used to send a lot of OTP messages from different companies to a targeted victim. It is generally used to do pranks with your friends. Illegal use of this tool is strictly prohibited!!

How To Install It In Termux?
In order to install this tool, just open your termux application and type the following commands step by step.

pkg install git
pkg install python3
git clone https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb.git
cd TBomb
chmod +X TBomb.sh

Boom!! After a few moments, the tool is safely installed on your termux.If you have already installed the git packages and python3 on your Termux, then you can skip the first two steps and directly start from the 3rd step.

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